July 2022 General Meeting to Feature Defibrillator & Quick Response Course

Our next general meeting will take place on the 12th July at SMSP Room 5 at 7.00pm. Instead of our usual meeting, David from Combined Safety Solutions will be presenting us with information on using a defibrillator as well a quick response course.

The aim of the evening is to educate and provide us with important skills to save lives or even just to brush up on existing skills. We never know when we might be called upon to do this. It is easier to use the Defibrillator once you have been shown, than to pick it up out of the box and try to use it without ever having seen one before.

The presentation will run for two hours. To make the most the time , it will be necessary to start promptly at 7.00 pm SHARP.

There will be no cost to the members, due to the generosity of some members who have donated funds . A special thank you to Sue Swain as well for her donation. We are also hoping to receive a grant from Motor Australia.

All taking part will need to obtain a USI . This is a lifelong education number. It is quite simple and can be attained from https://www.usi.gov.au/ after answering some questions.

The number will need to be emailed to the instructor david@combinedsafetysolutions.com.au prior to the night so as to provide you with a certificate.