Supporting the 2020 Bathurst 1000 and Looking Forward to the HSRCA Spring Festival & HGNA Driver Training Day


We would like to send a special congratulations to the drivers and pit crew who took part in last weekend’s support races at the Bathurst 1000. Between the excellent racing and media coverage, it was a very exciting weekend, and we were lucky to have great weather.

A special thanks goes to our President John Battersby who spent hours coordinating the event for our members. The amount of paperwork involved was staggering - especially for the extra COVID-19 requirements.

The thing that stood out most of all during the weekend was the sense of camaraderie that was evident. Congratulations to you all for the way the members of the HGNA pitched in to help one another whether it was pushing an unhappy race car, offering advice, lending tools and so on.

Another exciting weekend is ahead of us at Wakefield Park, Goulburn. The previously-postponed HSRCA Spring Festival will take place from Friday 30th October to Sunday 1st November. Details are on their site here.

This is a points round event. If you have entered and you display the State Wide banner (our major sponsor) on your windscreen you will receive a $100 rebate.

During the weekend we will hold a trophy presentation to award trophies for the meeting. The time will be advised during the weekend. Please remember to keep to the 1.5 distance rule at the presentation.

This weekend we will finally be able to use our new Quik Shade for our members that we were able to purchase with the assistance of a NSW Sports Grant that we applied for. (Lots of paperwork). You will find the Quik Shade on the grass area near the Scutineer’s Bay.

Finally, a reminder about our Driver Training Day on the 31st January . If you haven’t sent in your EOI form, you can bring it to Wakefield and hand it in to any committee member there.