As you know from our previous meetings, the Historic Group N Association of NSW Committee has successfully applied for a $5000 grant from the NSW Department of Sport to run a driver training day. This will take place on Sunday the 31st January, 2021, at Pheasant Wood Circuit in Marulan.
Those who register for the day will be instructed and guided throughout the day on what’s involved in motor racing. This is also a great opportunity for those who wish to experience, the thrill of driving around a race track in a race car with an experienced race driver, in a safe environment.
Members are asked to invite sons, daughters, partners and even parents who may wish they had the opportunity to do this when they were younger.
Please download the expression of interest form below for more information and to register for the event. Within it, you will find:
More information about the day
An expression of Interest to be a driving instructor, flag marshal or race car driver & instructor
An expression of Interest to be a participant being instructed
January 2021 Driver Training Day Expression of Interest Form [DOC]
There are 30 places available, so please advise us of your decision to participate by completing the attached form and returning it by email or postal mail.
The committee is looking forward to your continuing support. The driver training day will be an exciting event for us all and we hope to see you there.